Wine-growing estate Windmuehl - Claude BLEGER Wine-growing estate Windmuehl - Claude BLEGER
92 route du vin
68590 Saint Hippolyte
Tél.: 03 89 73 00 21
Plan d'accès
92 route du vin
68590 Saint Hippolyte
Tél.: 03 89 73 00 21
Plan d'accès
The Alsatian wines from Sylvie Fahrer and son Domain come from a know-how spanning four generations of wine growers putting the upmost importance on working the wines while maintaining respect for the soil, the traditions and of nature. We do cellar tours and tastings on request.
03 89 73 00 40
06 74 39 39 46
24 route du vin
68590 Saint Hippolyte
Mail : domaine@fahrer-fils.com
Ils partagent leur expérience et leur passion